

A Haitian Treasure Snapshot: Anis (Star Anise)

Latin name: Pimpinella anisum
Kreyol name: Anise

General uses: for cooking (very sweet and aromatic nature), making alcohol, and natural medicine.

Medicinal uses: improves gastrointestinal problems, stimulates lactation (phytoestrogen), treats menstrual cramps.

What makes anis a Haitian treasure?
It is used in yummy treats like akasan and kremas. It is commonly known to treat nausea and vomiting.

In health,
Dr. Naika

The "Haitian Treasures" series was created by Dr. Naika in 2012. This series explores the magnificent benefits and uses of Haiti's natural resources, which Dr. Naika calls "Haitian Treasures". In this series, Dr. Naika explores the tie between Haiti's natural resources and natural, traditional, and holistic healing.

This blog post was originally posted on Dr. Naika's lifestyle blog, Naika in Balance. Dr. Naika's work is copyrighted. Please do not copy or repost Dr. Naika's work without citing her content as the original source.